Troop Yard Sale
ATTENTION PARENTS OF TROOP 29 – Sunday June 4th 9am-3pm
We will be hosting a Parking Lot Yard Sale At The Firehouse Parking Lot . Set-up will be @ 8:30am.
Each scout will be responsible to provide their own merchandise, chairs, tables, tents, cash box, change, ect.
Any monies collected from this function can be given to Mr. LoPresti to go to your child’s camp account and be used for any scout function.
A concession stand will be selling snacks, drinks, food, candy that will be hosted by the parents of scouts going to Philmont Summer Camp this summer.
This is a great opportunity to clean the house of unwanted items and put some funds in your child’s personal camp account. This is also an opportunity to fulfill certain requirements for boys working on merit badges such as salesmanship, personal management and entrepreneurship.
Any Questions please call Grace Minelli 258-9043
Please fill out the form below if you would like to participate.
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